The Waters of Life Renew Us---
One evening last week I thought about the beach. I never figured out how or why my mind wandered to the vastness of our mother's waters---The waters of life. I took a road trip to the beach over the weekend with friends and was reaffirmed, renewed and rejuvenated...
Not the false realities we cling to in order to hide from ourselves and our destinies.
Not the fears we harbor, real or imagined that stifle and haunt us.
We were meant for more, you and I. The sheer randomness of life and death should push us to examine our lamentations for what they are. A cache of rich life experience given to us free of charge by the waters of life, the creator, the mother, the father and the universe. I reflected on these things in myself and saw where my scars had been healed and my fresh wounds were already being dressed-- By love. Old, burgeoning, new, but all so real. I was at once ashamed of how very absorbed I had been by failing. At one point I had begged misfortune to stay with me. It was a fleshy and greasy mess and I could not see myself without its misery. I wasted so much time but the waters were understanding of my faux pas. I was at once forgiven even though I myself do not possess this gift in the immediate for those who misstep with me. Growth, real growth is not the chance to pass my garbage to my offspring. Mine is the knowledge that I am responsible for my own success not in proof of procreation. Children are a luxury which become necessity in their arrival. What a gift and what an obligation. They must be fed, nurtured, kept safe and lastly cast out to become the progenitors of a new existence. All this I thought in the bobbing of the oceans cradle--rocking in the haven of a safe and healing bosom.
I kicked my legs and noticed the brilliant silvery blue of a graceful fin. I released a startled shriek that was music to the atmosphere. Silky limbs were my arms and a sleek, toned stretch of grace and beauty captured my breasts and torso...I was this too. A grand and adaptable creation---US. We walk through the jungles of her surface--proud and conquering, we soar through her winds and breezes regal and driven, and we glide with the waves of her waters like the Sirens of the seas.
I heard whispers***Be limitless. Do not settle out of fear and do not pass your limitations on to our coming generations.

Yes I took this photo...I took a number of them, a few of which I can not include because they have been sold to a local magazine. Yep, that is what happened when I dropped the dead weight and let go of the fear....
And so I am. As are you. So that we can be ______. (fill in the blanks)
Thank You (my sincerest reverence and thanks for this gift and this light)
There I was bobbing gently in that womb, with our distant kin thriving on her fertile floor. At first I worried. I worried About a multitude of things which were ultimately tantamount to nothing. I wondered if creature kin of this ocean would know me as an intruder--coming to rob their mother of her bounty--to snatch from them their sacred kin...My apprehension was my own creation. I began to flail, my head slipped beneath the water and I fought against this. Why? I did not want to see what lived beneath those waters---I wanted to hide from the layers beneath my skin.
What at all could be more important in that space than our connection to ourselves through our creator?
Not the liars who lie to us and to themselves. What at all could be more important in that space than our connection to ourselves through our creator?
Not the false realities we cling to in order to hide from ourselves and our destinies.
Not the fears we harbor, real or imagined that stifle and haunt us.
I kicked my legs and noticed the brilliant silvery blue of a graceful fin. I released a startled shriek that was music to the atmosphere. Silky limbs were my arms and a sleek, toned stretch of grace and beauty captured my breasts and torso...I was this too. A grand and adaptable creation---US. We walk through the jungles of her surface--proud and conquering, we soar through her winds and breezes regal and driven, and we glide with the waves of her waters like the Sirens of the seas.
I heard whispers***Be limitless. Do not settle out of fear and do not pass your limitations on to our coming generations.
Yes I took this photo...I took a number of them, a few of which I can not include because they have been sold to a local magazine. Yep, that is what happened when I dropped the dead weight and let go of the fear....
And so I am. As are you. So that we can be ______. (fill in the blanks)
Thank You (my sincerest reverence and thanks for this gift and this light)
This part is sorta of a nerd moment and may not be of particular interest to anyone but myself but I want to write about it---
You know, I recently had a conversation about Jazz. Real jazz. Like discussions of music as social commentary and fusion as an attempt to evolve. Then there was the discussion of Nina Simone's sugar bowl and How Good She Felt at one time or another. There was talk of Treemonisha at which time I asked the whereabouts of her Remus, the whereabouts of my own Remus as well....
....There was talk of Languages as bridges and barriers, women as victim or survivor. Very nice Sir and I curtsy and demure to your friendship and conversation. Thank you kindly and always feel free to say Howdy! ;) hahahaha
that is all for now friends. I promise more sci-fi next time....
Stay peaceful and above all else be True. Karma will visit us all in her own good Time.
You know, I recently had a conversation about Jazz. Real jazz. Like discussions of music as social commentary and fusion as an attempt to evolve. Then there was the discussion of Nina Simone's sugar bowl and How Good She Felt at one time or another. There was talk of Treemonisha at which time I asked the whereabouts of her Remus, the whereabouts of my own Remus as well....
....There was talk of Languages as bridges and barriers, women as victim or survivor. Very nice Sir and I curtsy and demure to your friendship and conversation. Thank you kindly and always feel free to say Howdy! ;) hahahaha
that is all for now friends. I promise more sci-fi next time....
Stay peaceful and above all else be True. Karma will visit us all in her own good Time.
You've been tagged, lady!!