A Short Pre-Birthday Post

Hey y'all! I wont be posting that excerpt today because I have to be at work in an hour at 6am and because the Slick Rick concert is tonight! I am taking a page out KiKi's handbook and celebrating my 36th birthday for the entire week(it is really Thursday)!
I know, I know, I have SOME nerve!

I woke up a little early to get a good meditation in before battling the crowds in retail management universe and I feel superb. I had my grapefruit juice and sent some positive thoughts into the world and towards those who have hurt me in the past. Let's get Golden and shine like the precious Gems we are!

small note>>>>>
I decided on another group weave into my writing since I think someone put some pollution in the ear of the first group I was thinking of. No worries. Group B is just as good I thought it would be kinda weave Southern Mythology writing with Mid-Western sounds. Southern sounds rock as well and so there you have it. They still kick ass in the sound department.
Oh and there will be picks from this event tonight!!!!! (not to mention all the other events I have been too lately)

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And I am out for the day but you know that I love you all sincerely and thanks so much for your kind words and you willingness to come here and share my tiny little piece of healing.
Dont forget that Karma comes calling even when we are OUT! Be safe and be true, that fake shit aint real to nobody but you. Kisses and Hugs my lovelies.


lea78 said…
Happy Birthday Week Sista!! Do you, a day is to short to celebrate seeing a new year. Hope you have fun at that concert, and if you get close enough can you snatch that damn pinky ring off Rik for me. I am afraid of men with pinky rings
Mizrepresent said…
Have a FANTASTIC birthday week Femi!
KimPossible said…
Happy Birthday Chica! I am not mad at you for celebrating the entire week. Go girl, it's yo birthday! Okay, so how about he is going to be in the "A" tonight. I was going to go but none of my girlfriends can go with me. And I have one question. Do you think Slick Rick can rock a party by himself without Doug E. Fresh? That was probably the main reason I didn't go. Not so sure about that one. LOL!

Anywho, Happy Birthday and I hope you have a great day.

Shai said…
Have a great time. Happy Birthday. Don't drink, eat or party too much. After age 35, we don't recuperate as quickly or easily. LOL.
Anonymous said…
happy happy my new friend.

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