Speaking of Expanding Horizons
Okay one of the perks of my job is that I get tons and I do mean tons of music Promos! I mean I have the best time going through the gang of cds and books and grabbing anything that my taste might claim for the perfect price of free!
My new favorite right now is Zap Mama's newest release called Supermoon and the title track is just gorgeous. It is so affirming that you cant help but get up and feel good about being you!
here is a short youtube medley of her newest joint. It is gorgeous!
I also just wanted to say that I have once again claimed my Zen.
Please forgive my unseemly behavior. It was beneath me and I can truly admit that to you few readers and myself. Hell, how can I claim growth if I dont own my shortfalls right? I reacted to something that was utterly beneath me and of no consequence at all. I am not a small mind nor am I a big fish in a little pond. I am true to myself and that is all that anyone can ask for on this plain or the next. I am so used to venting through my art that when I get riled I just let loose through words without analyzing the source of my ire and most importantly the source of the animosity. In this case the source was even beneath me and I STILL engaged on that base and foreign level. I dont live on that level and when I see elements of that level trying to engage me I must take a step back consider the source and behave well for all involved. Miz gave me my perspective back with a few short words. Thanks sis!
Anyway, I'm here to build a bridge to the universe as designed by the great Deity. Lets embrace art and love and life and above all else---truth.
The arts are where we intersect friends. One of the best ways to connect is through creativity. Our old ways are not the way and it is time for some new understandings.
There is an artist that is being featured at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts whose work is so stellar and striking that you have to experience it to believe it. Her name is Kara Walker and she is a fierce sister/artist. She superimposes images of black silhouettes and caricatures onto sketch and painted works (of her own rendering) or sometimes presents them alone. Her exhibit is on display until March I believe and I am going back this Friday to experience it again. I bought one of her books for a friend's birthday titled "After the Deluge" which has to do with the post apocalyptic nature of great floods. The biblical flood and more pointedly Hurricane Katrina are both depicted and explicated. I am going to buy "Narratives of a Negress" for myself on Friday and I can hardly wait to get back to that exhibit.
My favorite piece of her work is called "Burn" and oh my Goddess! It is just striking....to me at least.

The piece that I am talking about is to your left and at the front is the highly talented Miss Walker!
Museums are so inspiring in some aspects. I love to see so many different perspectives on light, dark, day, night, love and indifference that are showcased. I wrote and wrote and wrote after my last sojourn there and I am ready once again for the chance to expand my thinking and writing once again.
The check for Italy finally posted and let me just say...OUCH! LOL! It is so worth it though, now what is really gonna hurt is that deposit for Africa when they finally post it. Double Ouch! But also so so worth it. I am so tense about going but on the flip side so freaking thrilled. Next weekend I go for my hike down Bright Angel Trail at the Grand Canyon and I cant wait for that either. I have some manuscripts to send out on Monday and classes begin on Monday as well. I can't believe how busy I have become and subsequently how much more organized I am forced to be as a result. I actually have to use my damn planner this year instead of just letting that thing collect dust. HA! who would have thought that?
I must be doing something right I guess.....
That's all for now. I have a new piece of writing I want to expose to the light of day and I will share it next time. It is of course science fiction and delves into the human condition when humanity itself has become undefinable. It is a little dense in parts but not a complete quagmire yet (fingers crossed).
Be safe and be true and now that no one escapes their destiny or their Karma and sometimes they are one in the same.
Peace, Namaste and I love you all sincerely.
My new favorite right now is Zap Mama's newest release called Supermoon and the title track is just gorgeous. It is so affirming that you cant help but get up and feel good about being you!
here is a short youtube medley of her newest joint. It is gorgeous!
I also just wanted to say that I have once again claimed my Zen.
Please forgive my unseemly behavior. It was beneath me and I can truly admit that to you few readers and myself. Hell, how can I claim growth if I dont own my shortfalls right? I reacted to something that was utterly beneath me and of no consequence at all. I am not a small mind nor am I a big fish in a little pond. I am true to myself and that is all that anyone can ask for on this plain or the next. I am so used to venting through my art that when I get riled I just let loose through words without analyzing the source of my ire and most importantly the source of the animosity. In this case the source was even beneath me and I STILL engaged on that base and foreign level. I dont live on that level and when I see elements of that level trying to engage me I must take a step back consider the source and behave well for all involved. Miz gave me my perspective back with a few short words. Thanks sis!
Anyway, I'm here to build a bridge to the universe as designed by the great Deity. Lets embrace art and love and life and above all else---truth.
The arts are where we intersect friends. One of the best ways to connect is through creativity. Our old ways are not the way and it is time for some new understandings.
There is an artist that is being featured at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts whose work is so stellar and striking that you have to experience it to believe it. Her name is Kara Walker and she is a fierce sister/artist. She superimposes images of black silhouettes and caricatures onto sketch and painted works (of her own rendering) or sometimes presents them alone. Her exhibit is on display until March I believe and I am going back this Friday to experience it again. I bought one of her books for a friend's birthday titled "After the Deluge" which has to do with the post apocalyptic nature of great floods. The biblical flood and more pointedly Hurricane Katrina are both depicted and explicated. I am going to buy "Narratives of a Negress" for myself on Friday and I can hardly wait to get back to that exhibit.
My favorite piece of her work is called "Burn" and oh my Goddess! It is just striking....to me at least.
The piece that I am talking about is to your left and at the front is the highly talented Miss Walker!
Museums are so inspiring in some aspects. I love to see so many different perspectives on light, dark, day, night, love and indifference that are showcased. I wrote and wrote and wrote after my last sojourn there and I am ready once again for the chance to expand my thinking and writing once again.
The check for Italy finally posted and let me just say...OUCH! LOL! It is so worth it though, now what is really gonna hurt is that deposit for Africa when they finally post it. Double Ouch! But also so so worth it. I am so tense about going but on the flip side so freaking thrilled. Next weekend I go for my hike down Bright Angel Trail at the Grand Canyon and I cant wait for that either. I have some manuscripts to send out on Monday and classes begin on Monday as well. I can't believe how busy I have become and subsequently how much more organized I am forced to be as a result. I actually have to use my damn planner this year instead of just letting that thing collect dust. HA! who would have thought that?
I must be doing something right I guess.....
That's all for now. I have a new piece of writing I want to expose to the light of day and I will share it next time. It is of course science fiction and delves into the human condition when humanity itself has become undefinable. It is a little dense in parts but not a complete quagmire yet (fingers crossed).
Be safe and be true and now that no one escapes their destiny or their Karma and sometimes they are one in the same.
Peace, Namaste and I love you all sincerely.
You are MORE than aiight.
Hey G! Nice to see you around these parts. Thanks so much for that I appreciate it.
Hey T! Oh snap! Ya girl has ALL of Zap Mamma's cache! Now what YOU know about Zap Mamma bruh! Good to see over this way man! LOL
damn, i leave and come back and already gotta pull out the belt. just let me know the when and where!
aiight, now that i got the 'gangsta' outta me, i hope all is well with you. nice to see the zen back in place. :)
we all have our moments. that's just life and adds texture to the artpiece of living.
And Bro G - I agree I am loving Nikki's phrase: art piece of living - cuz i sho' feel like a reluctant piece of marble being chipped away at ... and I look FORWARD to seeing what type o' sculpture I'll BE! ;-)