Today is Family day and I

want to jump on the bandwagon and note that I am thankful for my family, my friends new and old, my job and any of the changes it may bring that make me better at serving my country in my small civilian capacity, people who give the gift of life be it through organ donation, or through their service in the military, police department, hospitals (nurses and teachers have a very special place in my heart because they mold all those other service people and keep them healthy) and of course I am ultimately thankful that I get to get up everyday, comfortable in my own skin, confident enough to be exactly who I am everywhere I go, complete with loc'ed hair, sci-fi references, comic book fetishes, Absolute LOVE of COSTUMES and Classic rock/Barry Manilow obsession. If you know me then you should know that I appreciate you for tolerating my awkward interests and silly disposition. All I want is the chance to keep being myself and embracing others who only want a chance to be themselves everyday as well. Everyday work to Be a little bit better than you were yesterday and ultimately, we'll all be doing a service for our humanity without notice of effort...
 That being said I hope that everyone gets to a place where they can see the necessity and opportunity of change in their everyday lives. I just recently had the chance to reassess my wants and needs as they relate to the changes that are coming at my job.  I went through a range of emotions from nervous fear to anxiousness and ultimately calm resignation that change is my God and always has been. I am happy, healthy and so very fulfilled by the many opportunities life constantly hands me even when I work my hardest to see obstacles in everything that happens.  
You dont have to count your blessings but you do have an obligation to see yourself for who/what you are and see the world for the wide landscape of chances it is and to BEHAVE accordingly. I work to do that every single day and I hope that you all do the same.  Enjoy a good meal and good company and tomorrow, find one tiny little thing to see differently, and if can be a new kind of black beans in the organic section of the damn grocery store, but you embrace that can of beans, go home open it up, mash it into dip and enjoy every bite. The next day, you will find another little thing and YOU will get better every single day.

happy Karma


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