BAH!!!! Phoenix comic Con pics are...

forthcomming! I have a ton of pics from the convention and from the Lowell Observatory to share! But I just got back last night and I have to work today so it will be later tonight and possibly tomorrow when I get all the pics up for all to see. Oh and you likely will have to check them out on Facebook rather than here since really, I dont get to much traffic here.  I could start linking my Facebook, twitter and blog page together but do people really wanna read me rambling about the tiny details of my I  try to ramble over here to myself and post the big fun stuff on Twitter and Facebook.  Anyhoo!!! I had an amazing time, I sat within arms length of some fantastic celebs (at dinner and breakfast) and got turned on to some shows I am definietly gonna check out! did I mention that Levar Burton sang READING RAINBOW theme song?!?!?! yeah, I died! it was fantastic!

Happy Karma


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